About the SDS

The SDS Sheehan Disability Scale PDF* or Paper available.

The Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) is a short (5-item), easy-to-use 1 page measure of disability and functional impairment. Patients are asked to rate the extent to which their symptoms have disrupted their lives in the last week across 3 separate domains:

  • Work / Schoolwork
  • Social life / Leisure activities
  • Family life / Home responsibilities
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Sheehan Disability Scale

The Sheehan Disability Scale is a short, simple, treatment outcome measure of disability and functional impairment.  It can be either patient-rated or clinician-rated but clinician input and judgment are always recommended with making any assessment for it to be valid.  Sheehan Disability Scale PDF* or Paper available.

SDS-A (Adolescent)
Sheehan Disability Scale

The Sheehan Disability Scale Adolescent (SDS-A) is a short, simple, treatment outcome measure of disability and functional impairment.  The SDS-A is a patient rated version by the adolescent but clinician input and judgment are always recommended with making any assessment for it to be valid. Sheehan Disability Scale PDF* or Paper available.

SDS-P (Pediatric)
Sheehan Disability Scale

The Sheehan Disability Scale Pediatric (SDS-P) is a short, simple, treatment outcome measure of disability and functional impairment.  It can be parent or clinician rated but clinician input and judgment are always recommended with making any assessment for it to be valid. Sheehan Disability Scale PDF* or Paper available.

sds FAQ

A fully executed license is required for use of the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) in any language. To license the SDS directly from Dr. Sheehan, the author and copyright holder, you will need complete his license agreement. Click here to learn more about the SDS or to download a License for use.

Dr. Sheehan only provides consultation, guidance on regulatory agency questions, and training to those who license the SDS directly from him. Contact Dr. Sheehan at davidVsheehan@gmail.com for additional information. If you do not see a QR code on the SDS you are using linking back to this website then you did not get the SDS from the author and Copyright Holder.  Dr. David V. Sheehan is the Copyright Holder, Trademark Holder, and author of the SDS in all languages.  This copyright for the SDS has been registered with the US Copyright Office.

The cost of licensing the SDS is $4 USD for each use, i.e. each administration to a subject and/or each use in training.

Note: Non-profit institutions sometimes incorrectly assume that the license fee does not apply because they are “not-for-profit”. The licensing fee applies to all uses.

The license and license fee applies to all uses.

Dr. Sheehan licenses the SDS in paper format for distribution as follows: (1) in paper form for any uses, or (2) in fixed-pdf form, paper form, or both for use in clinical or academic research trials or studies.

Many patients suffer impairment of functioning at work, at school, in social settings or at home above and beyond their symptoms.  Insurance companies, employers, government agencies, clinicians and drug companies seeking regulatory approval want to be assured that treatment not only improves symptoms but also restores functioning. The SDS can be used:

  • To assess and monitor the severity of functional impairment over time and in response to treatment in primary care as well as mental health settings.
  • To identify and track disability and functional impairment as an efficacy outcome measure, adverse event and/or treatment emergent effect in clinical trials and treatment outcome studies.
  • To provide documentation of disability and impairment in detailed forensic evaluations.
  • To detect and describe the incidence or prevalence and severity of disability and impairment in population research including national and international epidemiology studies and community surveys.

The SDS is unique in using a discretized analog (Discan) metric that subjects with different cognitive orientations (verbal, numeric, and visual spatial) can easily follow. Some people rate numerically (”he was 6’3” tall”), others use verbal descriptors (“he was very tall”), and still others communicate by rating space visually (using their hands to point while commenting “he was this tall”). Some choose a combination of two or all three methods. For each of its functional domains (work / social / family life), the SDS allows subjects to simultaneously anchor their perceptions of their own impairment all three ways (verbally, numerically and visually-spatially). It also allows enough points of discrimination so that subjects can make fine distinctions in degrees of impairment. This format makes the SDS uniquely sensitive to efficacy signals in treatment studies. Additionally, the SDS contains two numeric measures for “days lost” and “days underproductive” that can be used to assess the impact of disability on work and productivity.

Typically, the SDS takes 1-2 minutes to administer.

No minimum qualification is needed to administer the SDS. However, in research settings where precision is required, training in the use of the SDS is recommended. For more information about training, CLICK HERE.

Note:Dr. Sheehan only provides consultation, guidance on regulatory agency questions, and training to those who license the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS directly from him. Contact Dr. Sheehan at davidVsheehan@gmail.com for additional information.  If you do not see a QR code on the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) you are using linking back to this website, then you did not get the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) from the author and Copyright Holder.  Dr. David V. Sheehan is the Copyright Holder, Trademark Holder and author of the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) in all languages.  This copyright for the SDS has been registered with the US Copyright Office.

Yes. Dr. Sheehan’s license allows you to administer the SDS remotely as long as you complete the interview on paper as a primary source document. It is up to your protocol to determine how appropriate remote administration is for your patient population. For best results, Dr. Sheehan’s recommendation is to conduct the interview using video, such as Zoom or Skype, rather than phone. The SDS can be rated by patient or clinician. Because of this flexibility it is useful for inpatients as well as outpatients and can also be used in community and population studies.

If you are doing research, you should also review other applicable rules to make sure that remote administration is acceptable to any agency, such as the FDA, who may have oversight of your research.

The standard version of the SDS for adults meets most needs, most of the time in clinical and research settings. The pediatric version (SDS-P) is useful for children since it can be parent or clinician rated for children over the age of 6-11. We recommend the adolescent version (SDS-A) for adolescents age 12-17 since it can be either self-rated or clinician rated.

The SDS can be rated by patient or clinician. Because of this flexibility it is useful for inpatients as well as outpatients and can also be used in community and population studies. Clinician input and judgment are always recommended with making any assessment. 

Yes. Please CLICK HERE for a watermarked preview copy for review only or contact Dr. Sheehan at davidVsheehan@gmail.com.

Yes, Dr. Sheehan can design a customized version of the SDS to meet the needs of a specific study or clinical setting. Contact Dr. Sheehan at davidVsheehan@gmail.com to discuss a customized version.

Requests to access existing non-English translations or for any new translations should be submitted through MAPI Research Trust’s ePROVIDE COA platform at

https://eprovide.mapi-trust.org/ using the following process:

  1. Go to Submit a request
  2. If you haven't registered yet, you'll be asked to sign up for free
  3. Complete the request form. Please attach a copy of the signed and fully executed license agreement signed by Dr. David V Sheehan.

How to cite the sds

The SDS has been cited over 3,000 times in publications.

Note: The SDS is a clinical decision support tool to measure disability and impairment. The below listed studies validated the SDS under conditions in which it was used with its Discan metric (using graphic, numeric and verbal descriptors) and in which it was rated in paper format as a primary source document. The results cannot be generalized to any other conditions or format.  For FDA guidance on CDS or using software in diagnosis: visit the FDA website.

Use the following citations in referencing the SDS:

  1. Sheehan KH; Sheehan DV. Assessing treatment effects in clinical trials with the discan metric of the Sheehan Disability Scale. International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2008;23(2):70-83. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/YIC.0b013e3282f2b4d6
  2. Sheehan DV, Harnett-Sheehan K, Raj BA (1996). The measurement of disability. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 11 (Suppl 3):89–95. PDF: http://journals.lww.com/intclinpsychopharm/Abstract/1996/06003/The_measurement_of_disability.15.aspx
  3.  Leon AC, Shear MK, Portera L, et al: Assessing impairment in patients with panic disorder: the Sheehan Disability Scale. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 27:78–82, 1992. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00788510
  4. Leon AC, Olfson M, Portera L, et al: Assessing impairment in primary care: a psychometric analysis of the Sheehan Disability Scale. Int J Psychiatry Med 27:93–105, 1997. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.2190/T8EM-C8YH-373N-1UWD
  5. Olfson M, Kathol RG, Weissman MM, Sheehan DV, Leon AC, Hoven C. Mental Disorders and Disability in a Primary Care Group Practice.  American Journal of Psychiatry.  1997; 154: 1734-1740. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1176/ajp.154.12.1734
  6. Sheehan DV, Harnett-Sheehan K. Psychometric Assessment of Anxiety Disorders. Chapter 8 in Anxiety:  Psychobiological and Clinical Perspectives (Sartorius N, Andreoli V, Cassano G, Eisenberg L, Kielholz P, Pancheri P, & Racagni G, eds.  Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, Washington, DC.  1990; 85-100. ISBN: 1560320648, 9781560320647
  7. Sheehan, D. V. (2000). Sheehan disability scale. Handbook of psychiatric measures, 113-115.  ISBN: 0890424152, 9780890424155.
  8. Sheehan DV, Meyers AL, Prakash A, Robinson MJ, Swindle RW, Russell JM, et al. The relationship between functional outcomes and the treatment of anxious and painful somatic symptoms in patients with generalized anxiety disorder. Current Medical Research and Opinion. 2008; 24(9):2457-66. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1185/03007990802293643
  9. Sheehan, DV, Harnett-Sheehan, K, Spann, M, Thompson, H, Prakash, A. Assessing remission in major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder clinical trials with the discan metric of the Sheehan disability scale. International clinical psychopharmacology. 2011;2: 75-83. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/YIC.0b013e328341bb5f
  10. Sheehan DV, Chokka PR, Granger RE, Walton RJ, Raskin J, Sagman D. Clinical and functional outcomes in patients with major depressive disorder and painful physical symptoms switched to treatment with duloxetine. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental. 2011;26(3):242-51. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hup.1199
  11. Mancini, M, Sheehan DV, Demyttenaere, K, Amore, M, Deberdt, W, Quail, D, Sagman, D. Evaluation of the effect of duloxetine treatment on functioning as measured by the Sheehan disability scale: pooled analysis of data from six randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies. International Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2012; 27(6): 298-309. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/YIC.0b013e3283589a3f
  12. Sheehan DV, Locklear J, Svedsäter H, Datto C. Long-term functioning and sleep quality in patients with major depressive disorder treated with extended-release quetiapine fumarate. International Clinical Psychopharmacology. 2012;27(5):239-48. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/YIC.0b013e328356ac78
  13. Sheehan, DV, Svedsäter, H, Locklear, JC, Eriksson. Effects of extended-release quetiapine fumarate on long-term functioning and sleep quality in patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Data from a randomized-withdrawal, placebo-controlled maintenance study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2013; 151(3): 906-913. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2013.07.037


*Looking for the Sheehan Disability Scale PDF: Dr. Sheehan licenses the instrument in paper format for distribution as follows: (1) in paper form for any uses, or (2) in fixed-pdf form, paper form, or both for use in clinical or academic research trials or studies.

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