Standard Adult MINI 7.0.2

MINI Screen 7.0.2

Standard MINI Adult for Psychotic Disorders Studies 7.0.2

MINI for Suicidality Disorders Studies 7.0.2

MINI for ADHD Studies 7.0.2

MINI with Borderline Personality Disorder Module 7.0.2

Custom MINI 7.0.2

MINI Tracking 7.0.2

MINI Training


A fully executed license is required for use of the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) in any language. To license the MINI directly from Dr. Sheehan, the author and copyright holder, you will need complete his license agreement.  CLICK HERE to download a template license agreement for use.   Note that a license is needed for use of the MINI 5.0, MINI 6.0 and MINI 7.0.2.

Dr. Sheehan only provides consultation, guidance on regulatory agency questions, and training to those who license the MINI / MINI Kid or scales directly from him. Contact Dr. Sheehan at for additional information. If you do not see a QR code on the MINI you are using linking back to this website then you did not get the MINI from the author and Copyright Holder.  Dr. David V. Sheehan is the Copyright Holder, Trademark Holder, and author of the MINI for DSM-5 in all languages.  This copyright for the MINI has been registered with the US Copyright Office.

CLICK HERE for more information about the MINI.

The cost of licensing the standard MINI or the MINI Kid is $15 USD for each use, i.e. each administration to a subject and/or each use in training. The cost of licensing other versions of the MINI or MINI Kid (e.g., the more extended Psychotic Disorders version, the version for Suicidality Disorders or for ADHD Disorders) is the same. An additional custom disorder module costs an additional $4 per administration per module in addition to the standard $15 for the standard MINI.

Note: Non-profit institutions sometimes incorrectly assume that the license fee does not apply because they are “not-for-profit”. The licensing fee applies to all uses.

How to calculate the total number of uses. Typically, the MINI is used to screen potential subjects for eligibility for a study. The total number of MINI uses will depend on the study’s eligibility (inclusion and exclusion) criteria, the available population, and the likelihood of subjects dropping out before the baseline visit is completed.

As a rule of thumb, you will need to screen 200-400 or more subjects to get a yield of 100 subjects. Our recommendation is that you take a minimum 2:1 ratio to calculate the number of uses for most conditions and a higher ratio for studies where you expect more subjects will be excluded or drop out before they are randomized.

Pricing Example:

  • 1 administration of the MINI to 100 subjects during the entire study = 100*$15
  • 2 administrations of the MINI to 100 subjects during the entire study = 100*2*$15
  • If the MINI is used as a screening tool to get a yield of 100 into the study, then you are likely to need to use the MINI at least 200 times (2:1 ratio) or 200*$15. If you plan to administer the MINI one more time during the study to the remaining 100, that is an additional 100*$15. For more information on the recommended 2:1 ratio please download the License agreement – click here.
  • Please also always account for any additional use for training uses of the MINI

The license and license fee applies to all uses.

Dr. Sheehan licenses the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview in paper format for distribution as follows: (1) in paper form for any uses, or (2) in fixed-pdf form, paper form, or both for use in clinical or academic research trials or studies.

You can use the MINI

  • To provide a shorter alternative to longer diagnostic interviews to assess, document and confirm the presence of DSM-5 psychiatric disorders for research, for clinical practice, or for detailed forensic examination.
  • To select subjects for a clinical trial. For example, the MINI can be used in a study of the effectiveness of a treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder to ensure that all the study subjects meet DSM-5 criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and that none meet criteria for a current Psychotic Disorder or a Substance Use Disorder).
  • To assess the incidence or prevalence of psychiatric disorders and suicidality in a population. The MINI has been used, for example, in epidemiology studies conducted by national institutes in India, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Japan to estimate the prevalence of mental health disorders to determine how to allocate scarce mental health resources. It has also been used to assess the prevalence of mental health disorders in special populations such as cancer patients, the military, the homeless, and prisoners in jails.

The MINI was designed to be shorter and easier to navigate than existing structured clinical interviews to identify DSM or ICD-10 disorders. The MINI also differs from comparable interviews in focusing more on the presence of current as opposed to past disorders and conditions and in its inclusion of a thorough Suicidality assessment module.

The MINI is a clinician rated structured clinical interview also known as a clinical decision support tool designed to assess, document, and confirm the presence of major DSM-5 psychiatric disorders and suicidality in adults over 18 years old.  If you need a child/adolescent version then the MINI Kid is more suitable.

The MINI Kid is a clinician rated structured clinical interview also known as a clinical decision support tool designed to assess, document, and confirm the presence of major DSM-5 psychiatric disorders and suicidality in children and adolescents aged 6-17 years.  For more information on the MINI Kid please visit the MINI Kid page (add link) and the FAQs.

The MINI and MINI Kid are both frequently identified as a clinical decision support tool and as a Clinician-reported Outcome measure (Clin-RO), a subcategory of Clinical Outcome Assessment measures (COA).

The average administration time of the Standard MINI is 18.7 minutes with a median of 15 minutes. Administration time may vary depending on the number and complexity of disorders for a given subject and the user’s clinical experience and familiarity with DSM-5 or ICD 10 criteria. Questions about how to score the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) can be directed Dr. David V Sheehan, the author, copyright holder and trademark holder of the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview.

The MINI is designed to be administered by mental health professionals or researchers who have been clinically trained in its use. There is no minimum degree requirement. Our recommendation is that the rater be a licensed clinician in mental health with adequate diagnostic assessment experience. However, we leave the final decision of selection and credentialing of raters up to the local sites or sponsors. For more information about training, CLICK HERE.

Questions about how to score the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) can be directed Dr. David V Sheehan, the author, copyright holder and trademark holder of the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview.

Yes. Dr. Sheehan’s license allows you to administer the MINI remotely as long as you complete the MINI on paper as a primary source document. It is up to your protocol to determine how appropriate remote administration of this clinician-rated structured clinical interview is for your patient population. Dr. Sheehan’s recommendation is to interview the patient using video (e.g., Zoom or Skype) rather than phone. This is because many of the questions on the MINI require clinical observation of the patient during the interview.  Be sure to review HIPAA and GDPR privacy rules. If you are doing research, you should also review other applicable rules to make sure that remote administration is acceptable to any agency, such as the FDA, who may have oversight of your research.

Questions about how to score the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) can be directed Dr. David V Sheehan, the author, copyright holder and trademark holder of the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview.

The MINI is a clinician rated structured clinical interview also known as a clinical decision support tool designed to assess, document, and confirm the presence of major DSM-5 psychiatric disorders and suicidality in adults over 18 years old.  If you need a child/adolescent version then the MINI Kid is more suitable.

The MINI Kid is a clinician rated structured clinical interview also known as a clinical decision support tool designed to assess, document, and confirm the presence of major DSM-5 psychiatric disorders and suicidality in children and adolescents aged 6-17 years.  For more information on the MINI Kid please visit the MINI Kid page (add link) and the FAQs.

The MINI and MINI Kid are both frequently identified as a clinical decision support tool and as a Clinician-reported Outcome measure (Clin-RO), a subcategory of Clinical Outcome Assessment measures (COA).

Questions about how to score the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) can be directed Dr. David V Sheehan, the author, copyright holder and trademark holder of the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview.

No, the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview cannot be patient-rated. The MINI is a structured clinical interview for DSM diagnoses and suicidality. It is designed to be clinician-rated. It has not been found to be valid if it is only patient-rated. The reason is that some modules, notably the psychotic disorders module and the module to rule out medical, organic, drug causes, require clinicians to observe the patient, elicit examples, and use clinical judgment. It is not possible to document, confirm, or rule out many of the diagnoses including, for example, a psychotic disorder, major depressive disorder (MDD), or a bipolar disorder, without clinician input. Clinician input and judgment are also required to determine the primary diagnosis on the summary page.

The MINI used in paper format as a primary source document has been cited in over 30,000 publications.

We recommend using the following references (in order of priority) for the MINI for Adults when the MINI is used on paper as a primary source document only.

  1. Sheehan DV, Lecrubier Y, Harnett-Sheehan K, Amorim P, Janavs J, Weiller E, Hergueta T, Baker R, Dunbar G: The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.): The Development and Validation of a Structured Diagnostic Psychiatric Interview. J. Clin Psychiatry, 1998;59(suppl 20): 22-33.
  2. Sheehan DV, Lecrubier Y, Harnett-Sheehan K, Janavs J, Weiller E, Bonara LI, Keskiner A, Schinka J, Knapp E, Sheehan MF, Dunbar GC. Reliability and Validity of the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.): According to the SCID-P. European Psychiatry. 1997; 12:232-241. DOI:
  3. Lecrubier Y, Sheehan D, Weiller E, Amorim P, Bonora I, Sheehan K, Janavs J, Dunbar G. The MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.) A Short Diagnostic Structured Interview: Reliability and Validity According to the CIDI. European Psychiatry. 1997; 12: 224-231. DOI:
  4. Amorim P, Lecrubier Y, Weiller E, Hergueta T, Sheehan D: DSM-III-R Psychotic Disorders: procedural validity of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.). Concordance and causes for discordance with the CIDI. European Psychiatry. 1998; 13:26-34. DOI:

The references for the MINI are found within the License Agreement from Dr. Sheehan and the MINI itself. For any scientific questions relating to the MINI, contact David V Sheehan MD, MBA, FACPsych, DLFAPA directly by email at:

The MINI is a structured clinical interview for DSM diagnoses and suicidality. It is administered by a clinician. It can be used to assess, confirm, and document DSM-5 and ICD-10 diagnoses and suicidality in adults for clinical practice or research.

The MINI Screen is a much shorter 2-page screening tool. It can be patient-rated or clinician administered. The MINI Screen contains only the first 2-4 screening questions from the standard MINI’s modules. The MINI Screen cannot assess, document, or confirm DSM-5 or ICD-10 diagnoses. It is typically used for screening in primary care.

The MINI Tracking is a collection of symptom severity scales derived from the standard MINI. It has the same modules as the MINI but converts the MINI’s binary (Yes / No) response options for key symptoms into dimensional response options (none / mild / moderate / very / extreme. It can be patient rated or clinician administered.

The MINI Tracking is typically used to track symptom severity and monitor treatment response over time. A benefit is that each of the tracking modules yields a score that can be plotted quantitatively on a graph.

The MINI Tracking is not a structured diagnostic interview. It cannot assess, document, or confirm DSM-5 or ICD-10 disorders. It is typically used to track change in symptom severity or change in a symptom cluster and monitor treatment response over time after an initial clinical interview using the MINI is conducted. A benefit of the MINI Tracking is that each of the tracking modules yields a score that can be plotted quantitatively on a graph.

It may be sufficient to only track symptoms for the primary diagnosis (e.g., by using the MDE Module for a patient with a primary diagnosis of MDD). However, if the patient has complicating comorbid conditions such as suicidality or substance use, or you know that a treatment could produce new unintended treatment emergent symptoms (e.g., mania), it may be prudent to administer additional tracking modules.

The flow chart (CLICK HERE) will help guide you in choosing which version of the MINI is most likely to meet your needs.


A table with information differentiating the MINI, the MINI Screen, and the MINI Tracking

Yes. Please CLICK HERE for a watermarked preview copy for review only, CLICK HERE for versions of the MINI, or contact Dr. Sheehan at

Yes, Dr. Sheehan can design a customized version of the MINI with customized additional modules to meet the needs of a specific study or clinical setting. Contact Dr. Sheehan at to discuss a customized version.

Requests to access existing non-English translations or for any new translations should be submitted through MAPI Research Trust’s ePROVIDE COA platform at using the following process:

  1. Go to Submit a request
  2. If you haven't registered yet, you'll be asked to sign up for free
  3. Complete the request form. Please attach a copy of the signed and fully executed license agreement signed by Dr. David V Sheehan.

We provide training through our training platform.  Please review our Training page and learn how you or your raters can be trained by the author/copyright holder of the MINI/MINI Kid.  Certificate of Completion signed by Dr. David V Sheehan is included for any rater who completes the training and can be submitted to regulatory bodies along with your own certification process.

Dr. Sheehan only provides consultation, guidance on regulatory agency questions, and training to those who license the MINI / MINI Kid or scales directly from him. Contact Dr. Sheehan at for additional information.

NOTE: If you do not see a QR code on the MINI you are using linking back to this website then you did not get the MINI from the author and Copyright Holder.  Dr. David V. Sheehan is the Copyright Holder, Trademark Holder, and author of the MINI for DSM-5 in all languages.  This copyright for the MINI has been registered with the US Copyright Office.

The cost for training is currently $100 USD per trainee per training for each timepoint of training.  There are additional setup fees if any of the following apply:

  • for large groups of 20 or more coupon code uses
  • if training is being used in a clinical research study or as part of a drug development program
  • if data from the study are being submitted to a regulatory agency
  • if training must be duplicated for any reason (e.g., for each recertification time point or for non-English-language training).

To calculate training costs please download our Training Form or contact Jennifer M. Giddens at

We can provide subtitles or voice over for the training video(s) in different languages.  We can also have the quiz(es) and the guide(s) for enrolling in training translated.  If you want the quiz in any languages other than English, we will need to set-up a copy of the training in this specific language.  The set-up fee will apply for each language that you want the training set-up in. For more information please review our Training Form or contact Jennifer M. Giddens at

Dr. Sheehan only provides consultation, guidance on regulatory agency questions, and training to those who license the MINI / MINI Kid or scales directly from him. Contact Dr. Sheehan at for additional information.

We provide a Training Guide to the individual who purchases the training and it is up to them to them provide this guide to the trainee.  This guide is very important to ensure coupon codes are used properly and training is not compromised.

Because of GDPR and other privacy laws, we require trainees to enroll themself in the training using a coupon code.  We allow each trainee to have access to the training for up to 30 days.  (For example, if a trainee enrolled in the training on October 25th, 2022, their training access  expired on November 25th, 2022.  If another trainee enrolled on October 28th, 2022 that trainee’s access expired on November 28th, 2022.)  By allowing a trainee to enroll in the training and complete the training on their own time they usually immediately complete the training when they access the training.  We will send a guide that walks trainees through the entire process of enrolling in and completing the training.  You should provide this guide to the trainees.

We will restrict the coupon code to only work for the specific training course(s) of your choice.  The one downside is that we cannot oversee that those using the coupon code are people you want to have trained.  If someone shared the code with a friend, that training would count against the total number of trainings you purchased.

We recommend providing training for a trainee shortly before their site will begin recruitment or direct use of the scale / structured interview.  We do not recommend training users of the scales / structured interviews too far in advance of them using the scales / structured interview, unless they are already experienced users of the scale / structured interview.

The training materials were personally created by the author and copyright holder of the scale or structured interview.  The training courses include a video presentation and a quiz.  After both of these are completed in full, a certificate of completion of training is generated.  User certification is left up to the local site or sponsor and is usually a credentialing issue. 

Please visit our Training page or review our Training Form for more details.