The Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) is a short, simple, and cost-effective measure of disability and functional impairment in the 3 major domains of interest and of consequence that can be quickly administered and scored without disrupting the flow of routine care. While the SDS can be either clinician-rated or patient-rated it is most frequently patient-rated. However, its completion needs to be carefully reviewed by study staff after the patient completes it to ensure the correct rating directions were followed by the patient.
This training is an introduction to the use of the Standard SDS for Adults in clinical and research settings. It covers all the basic information to familiarize users with the use of the SDS, its practical implementation, and directions on scoring, analyzing, and reporting the data captured by the SDS.
The virtual web-based training module on the scale includes a video, a quiz, and a certificate of completion of training. The video training lesson lasts approximately 49 minutes.
The training materials were personally created by the author and copyright holder of the scale, Dr. David V. Sheehan. Completion of the training includes a certificate signed by Dr. Sheehan.
User certification is left up to the local site or sponsor and is usually a credentialing issue.
The completion of training certificate will have the first and last name of the customer, as entered at checkout / in your account. You cannot transfer training to another person or change the name as entered at checkout / in your account. Your access to the training will be through the email address you enter at checkout. We cannot change the email address after checkout. Please ensure this information is correct before you complete the checkout process.
How to Access Training
Do not complete a training order for someone other than yourself. Errors can occur if someone else enrolls a trainee in training.
Emails will be automatically sent out to each trainee from the “” email address. Consider placing this email address in your trusted contacts. Some spam filters may place this email in the spam folder. Please check this folder in the event you do not receive the email from us about training in a timely fashion.
We will allow trainees to access the training for up to 30 days after this date. Any trainee who does not complete the training in this timeframe or who needs additional access to the training will need to pay again to access the training after this 30-day timeframe.
Live Q&A
In addition, for certain sites, Dr. Sheehan can do an additional live Zoom question and answer session to address issues encountered after the raters at the site have done a dozen or so with real patients. These Q & A sessions are more useful and rewarding if raters already have some direct experience using the instrument several times and if they have questions they want addressed, to improve their confidence and skill in using the instrument. Dr. Sheehan has a paid Zoom account for this purpose and can host such Zoom meetings.
Please contact Dr. Sheehan at or on his cell phone if he can be of any additional assistance.
Please contact Jennifer M. Giddens at if you have any questions on training.