The Sheehan & Giddens Phenotypic Suicidality Disorders Classification and Criteria
Structured Diagnostic Interview for:
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About the Sheehan & Giddens Phenotypic Suicidality Disorders Classification and Criteria
The Sheehan & Giddens classification of suicidality disorders is a phenotypic classification, in contrast to a genotypic classification. It is a classification based on currently available composites of the clinically observable symptoms, signs, behaviors, development, family history, course of illness, and response to treatment. Each suicidality disorder class / phenotype should be a predictive cluster, like the disorders in DSM-5, with specific diagnostic criteria for each, with a structured diagnostic interview that can guide the clinician in assigning subjects to each diagnostic class. The Sheehan & Giddens suicidality disorders classification is based on phenomenological observations of suicidal patients and the mining of datasets of suicidal patients over time. It will inevitability be improved with better evidence and by trial and error.
There are 12 different suicidality disorder phenotypes in the Sheehan & Giddens classification:
1. Impulse Attack Suicidality Disorders
2. Homicidal Suicidality Disorders
3. Psychotic Suicidality Disorders
4. Obsessive Compulsive Suicidality Disorders
5. PTSD Suicidality Disorders
6. Eating Disorder / Malabsorption Suicidality Disorders
7. Substance Induced Suicidality Disorders
8. Medical Illness / Neurological Condition Induced Suicidality Disorders
9. Anxiety Disorder Induced Suicidality Disorders
10. Mood Disorder Induced Suicidality Disorders
11. Life Event Induced Suicidality Disorders
12. Suicidality Disorders, Not Elsewhere Classified
For any scientific questions relating to the Sheehan & Giddens Phenotypic Suicidality Disorders Classification and Criteria, contact David V Sheehan MD MBA at or Jennifer M Giddens at
Structured Diagnostic Interview for the Sheehan & Giddens Phenotypic Suicidality Disorders Classification and Criteria

The diagnostic criteria for our phenotypic suicidality disorders classification are operationalized in the Suicidality Disorders Module of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI Module Z). This module can be used as an add on to the standard MINI. This Suicidality Disorders Module (Module Z) contains 12 sections. The questions in each section guide the clinician in eliciting information about the diagnostic criteria for each suicidality disorder phenotype.
To view a watermarked, preview copy of the MINI for Suicidality Disorders Studies* (click here)
License Agreement for Use of the Sheehan & Giddens Phenotypic Suicidality Disorders Classification and Criteria
Dr. Sheehan and Jennifer M. Giddens license the Sheehan & Giddens Phenotypic Suicidality Disorders Classification and Criteria in paper format for distribution as follows : 1) in paper format for any uses; or 2) in fixed pdf form, paper form, or both for use in clinical or academic research trials or studies.
To license the Sheehan & Giddens Phenotypic Suicidality Disorders Classification and Criteria for use there is a charge of $5 per use in a single administration (not per patient enrolled). The amount must be paid in full before study initiation. For more information about licensing, please email
Training for the Sheehan & Giddens Phenotypic Suicidality Disorders Classification and Criteria
For information about training on the Sheehan & Giddens Phenotypic Suicidality Disorders Classification and Criteria, please contact or
Jennifer M. Giddens does not authorize anyone to provide training to others on their scales, structured interviews, or classifications who is not a licensed psychiatrist or clinical psychologist (MD or PhD) and who has not been specifically trained and authorized to provide this training to others by Jennifer M. Giddens.
Translations and Linguistic Validation of the Sheehan & Giddens Phenotypic Suicidality Disorders Classification and Criteria
For information about translations of the Sheehan & Giddens Phenotypic Suicidality Disorders Classification and Criteria, please contact:
How to Cite the Sheehan & Giddens Phenotypic Suicidality Disorders Classification and Criteria
Use the following citations in referencing the Sheehan & Giddens Phenotypic Suicidality Disorders Classification and Criteria:
1. Sheehan DV, Giddens JM. (2015). Suicidality: A Roadmap for Assessment and Treatment. (1st ed.). Tampa, FL: Harm Research Press. Nov. 2015 (Available from: ISBN: 978-0-9969729-0-1
2. Sheehan DV, Giddens JM. (2016). Suicidality Assessment and Documentation for Healthcare Providers: A Brief, Practical Guide. (1st ed.). Tampa, FL: Harm Research Press. April 2016. (Available from: ISBN: 978-0-9969729-1-8
* in field testing.