Sheehan Scales and Structured Diagnostic Interviews

MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview)
SDS (Sheehan Disability Scale)
S-STS (Sheehan – Suicidality Tracking Scale)
Other Suicidality Scales
S-HTS (Sheehan – Homicidality Tracking Scale)
Other Homicidality Scales
SIS (Sheehan Irritability Scale)
SPS (Sheehan Panic Disorder Scale)
S-CGI-21 (Sheehan – Clinician Global Improvement Scale) & S-PGI-21 (Sheehan – Patient Global Improvement Scale)

MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview)

The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) is a structured diagnostic interview for the most common DSM-5 psychiatric disorders.  The version for DSM-5 is MINI 7.0.2.  The version for DSM-IV is MINI 6.  The MINI is available for both adults (18 or older) and children / adolescents (17 and younger).

For more information about the MINI click here
For more information about the MINI Kid click here

SDS (Sheehan Disability Scale)

The Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) is a short, simple, treatment outcome measure of disability and functional impairment.  It can be either patient-rated or clinician-rated.

For more information about the SDS click here

S-STS (Sheehan – Suicidality Tracking Scale)

The Sheehan – Suicidality Tracking Scale (S-STS) assesses all of the core suicidality phenomena including those in the FDA 2012 draft guidance categories of suicidal ideations and behaviors.  It can be used to assess and monitor these symptoms and behaviors over time.  The S-STS is available both for adults (18 or older) and for children / adolescents (6 to 8, 9 to 12, and 12 to 17).

For more information about the S-STS click here

Other Suicidality Scales


The Sheehan – Suicidality / Homicidality Screening Questions (S-SHSQ) is a set of brief screening questions for suicidality and homicidality.  This is not a comprehensive suicidality or homicidality assessment and may be useful in primary care settings.

For more information about the S-SHSQ click here


The Suicidality Modifiers Scale (SMS) assesses factors that can influence key domains that can impact suicidality.  These factors include impulsive suicidality, hopelessness, loss of enjoyment, and overwhelmed feeling.

For more information about the SMS click here


The Suicidal Impulse Attack Scale (SIAS) assesses the components of a suicidal impulse attack.  These components are the:

1. need or impulse for the patients to kill oneself sooner rather than later

2. need or impulse for the patients to plan to kill oneself sooner rather than later

3. patients’ thoughts about killing oneself or of being better off dead

4. associated physical symptoms

For more information about the SIAS click here

S-HTS (Sheehan – Homicidality Tracking Scale)

The Sheehan – Homicidality Tracking Scale (S-HTS)* assesses all of the core homicidality phenomena.  It can be used to assess and monitor these symptoms and behaviors over time.

For more information about the S-HTS click here

Other Homicidality Scales


The Sheehan – Suicidality / Homicidality Screening Questions (S-SHSQ) is a set of brief screening questions for suicidality and homicidality.  This is not a comprehensive suicidality or homicidality assessment and may be useful in primary care settings.

For more information about the S-SHSQ click here


The Homicidality Modifiers Scale (HMS)* assesses factors that can influence key domains that can impact homicidality.  These factors include impulsive homicidality, hopelessness, loss of enjoyment, and overwhelmed feeling.

For more information about the HMS click here


The Homicidal Impulse Attack Scale (HIAS)* assesses the components of a homicidal impulse attack.  These components are the:

1. need or impulse for the patients to kill someone else sooner rather than later

2. need or impulse for the patients to plan to kill someone else sooner rather than later

3. patients’ thoughts about killing someone else or thoughts that someone else needed to be killed

4. associated physical symptoms

For more information about the HIAS click here

SIS (Sheehan Irritability Scale)

The Sheehan Irritability Scale (SIS) is a short self-report rating scale developed to measure the frequency, severity and impairment associated with irritability.

For more information about the SIS, for information about licensing the SIS in paper format, and to purchase a watermarked, preview copy of the SIS click here

SPS (Sheehan Panic Disorder Scale)

The Sheehan Panic Disorder Scale (SPS) assesses all of the core symptoms of Panic Disorder.  It can be used to assess and monitor these symptoms and behaviors over time.  It can be either patient-rated or clinician-rated.

For more information about the SPS click here

S-CGI-21 (Sheehan – Clinician Global Improvement Scale) & S-PGI-21 (Sheehan – Patient Global Improvement Scale)

The Sheehan – Global Improvement Scales are designed to provide an overall assessment of how much a patient’s symptoms and behaviors have improved or worsened since the start of treatment. They are very sensitive in detecting change over time.  There are 2 Sheehan – Global Improvement Scales, a clinician-rated version (S-CGI-21) and a patient-rated version (S-PGI-21).  These 21-point global improvement scales were designed as more sensitive outcome measures than the old standard 7-point CGI-I Scale (Clinician Global Impressions – Improvement) and the related 7 point PGI-I (Patient Global Impressions – Improvement).

For more information about either the S-CGI-21 or the S-PGI-21 click here





* in field testing.